Austrian troops may stop Italy migrants at Brenner Pass

Austrian APC on patrol in Kosovo, Sept 2012 file picImage copyrightAFP
Image captionArmoured vehicles like this could soon impose border controls at the Brenner Pass
Austria is ready to deploy troops and armour at the Brenner Pass - a border crossing with Italy - if the influx of migrants to Italy continues to grow.
Defence Minister Hans Peter Doskozil announced the measures in an interview with Austria's Kronen Zeitung daily.
He said four Pandur armoured personnel carriers had been sent to the Tyrol region and 750 troops were on standby.
Austria has checks in place along its border with Hungary. But elsewhere it adheres to the EU open borders system.
Mr Doskozil said a military deployment at the Brenner Pass would be "indispensable if the influx into Italy [across the Mediterranean] does not diminish".
People-smuggling gangs have been exploiting the violence and chaos in Libya. The shortest crossing from Libya to Italy is only about 460km (290 miles).
Italy has warned that the current scale of migrant arrivals is unsustainable and that it could even close its ports and impound aid agencies' rescue ships.
Map of Austrian border
The EU's Schengen system - free movement across most European borders - was overwhelmed by an influx of migrants and refugees in 2015.
They reached Central Europe via the Balkans - and most sought asylum in Germany. Since then, tighter border controls in the Balkans have reduced the numbers heading north from Greece.
Most of the influx to Austria was via Hungary. Many of those who came by train or on foot were refugees from Syria, Iraq and other conflict zones.
The Brenner Pass is now seen as a potential migration hotspot, as the influx to Italy so far this year is higher than last year.
Nearly 85,000 migrants and refugees arrived in Italy in the first half of this year, across the Mediterranean. The UN refugee agency UNHCR says that is about 20% more than in the first half of 2016. More than 2,000 died trying to reach Italy.
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